The brighter weather is here (yay!) so whether you're taking a few days break in the UK or are off to explore and enjoy Summer sun elsewhere, travelling with a baby needn't be something to worry about. Here are some top tips to make baby's first holiday and your big family holiday go smoothly...

Baby's first holiday & weaning
Chances are that the thing you're most concerned about as you approach your baby's first holiday is mealtimes - whether you're breastfeeding, bottle feeding or just started weaning. Up until a year old your baby's main source of nutrition is their milk feeds so if they don't eat all their puree or throw their dinner on the floor on holiday, don't worry, they will compensate by taking more milk. Appetites can naturally decrease on holiday with the warmer weather too so be prepared that your baby's food intake may decrease. The most important thing is that your baby is drinking enough fluids. Charlotte Stirling-Reed of SR Nutrition talked to us recently about how to keep you baby hydrated in the Summer.
When preparing drinks for your baby, it may be best not to use the local tap water to make up bottles or use in open cups like our Sippeco Babycup First Cups. Often tap water in different countries can have different levels of minerals which can upset little tummies so go for bottled water instead.
Also, don't forget, if you're flying you can take fluids over 100ml in hand luggage - security may ask you to taste the water or formula you are carrying.
Useful equipment for travelling with babies and toddlers
Wherever you decide to go on holiday with your family there is a whole bunch of useful equipment you can take with you, or use when you get there, that will make your holiday so much easier.
If you're staying in the UK, you might want to take your own travel cot with you (pack an extra mattress or cover that you know your baby likes). After all, if your baby sleeps well on holiday you're guaranteed to have a good time! If travelling abroad, always double check in advance wherever you're staying provides a cot and that it will be set up when you arrive.
With sleeping arrangements sorted, buggies and prams are another travel essential to make sure you can get about easily. There's a host of compact and light options available which make carrying them around easy, some can fit into an overhead locker on a plane. Check out Made for Mums recommendations.
It goes without saying that our Sippeco Babycup First Cups make perfect travel companions! Not only are they what your baby is used to at home so they're guaranteed to drink from them, they can also be used as a toy in the bath!

Baby holiday checklist
Here's a few other items to remember to pack...
- Water wings or floatation device
- Swim nappies
- Bib like Tidy Tot
- Baby sling or carrier
- Sun protector for prams like Snoozeshade
- Sun hat
- Sun cream
- Baby sleeping bag
Happy travels wherever you go!
Don't forget to pick up your pack of Sippeco Babycup First Cups