Celebrate the Midsummer Summer Solstice with kids 21st – 23rd June 2019
Celebrate the Midsummer Summer Solstice with kids 21st – 23rd June 2019
Children believe in magic. And guess what? They’re right about its existence. Magic truly is all around us, in many forms. The creation of life itself is pretty magical. The wonders of nature (think thunderstorms and photosynthesis) is pretty magical too. And there is so much in this world that cannot be explained, or has yet to be discovered, by children and grown-ups alike!
As adults, it is easy to miss the magic on a day-to-day basis, but many remembered (if only for a short while) during the summer solstice, which this year fell on the 21st June.
The first day of summer is officially upon us! And to celebrate, we say why not learn from your little ones and embrace the mystery? Here are some things we here at Babycup would love to see you doing with your children this summer solstice weekend, and beyond!

What is the Summer Solstice?
Those of us living in the Northern Hemisphere will experience the summer solstice on June 21 this year. It’s the day with the longest period of daylight, and is marked throughout the world with celebrations and rituals. Beginning the day after the solstice, daylight hours start shrinking again until the winter solstice six months later.
Learning is FUN!
If you’re into toddler years, now is the perfect time to introduce a little summer solstice education. Learning is fun and discovering the wonderful back story to this time of year now can lay the groundwork for a future of lovely summer solstice celebration.
There are all sorts of ways to introduce fun learning and educational play, and as this date is packed with such colourful history and science too, you can really get creative with it!
You could try building your own Stone Henge with building blocks at home (great practice for those fine motor skills!), learn about shapes by introducing the Great Pyramids, or even explore how to use and read a sundial.
The summer solstice also marks the Scandinavian celebration of midsummer, which is traditionally welcome with lots of music and maypole dancing. You may not have a maypole at the ready, but you can still pop on your favourite tunes and have a boogie! Get some colourful ribbons involved too, for fun streamer actions as you twirl.

Eat, drink and be merry!
As with many ancient festivals, having a feast is a must! So lay out a spread for all the family, decorate the table with flowers, leaves and sunny drawings and tuck into some delicious offerings.
This is a great chance to get your Babycup First Cup involved for all ages and give your babies (age 6+ plus, of course!) the opportunity to try some lovely finger foods.
Make flower crowns
Flower crowns and wreaths have been a big part of traditional summer solstice dress all over the world, since records began! So making these for you and your children to wear is a great way to mark the occasion. Plus, it makes for a fantastic photo op too!
Take a walk
What better way to celebrate summer than by getting out into the sun? Get the family together and take your children for a walk out in nature and explore how everything looks, sounds, smells, feels and tastes on this special day.
Bring a picnic along too, to make a day of it! And don’t forget your lightweight Babycup First Cups to keep kiddies happy and hydrated.