This year Mother's Day is on 27th March 2022 and whilst the day is traditionally about celebrating mums, it's grown in recent years to celebrate aunties, godmothers, grandmothers and any important female figure in our child's life. So, if you're looking to spread a little love this Mother's Day, here's some ideas to show mum how important she is including DIY Mother's Day crafts, some gift suggestions and a few simple acts of kindness that go a long way...
Note: send this blog to husband ;)
Here's some Mother Day ideas...
1. All the reasons why I love you jar (or Babycup!)
We love this idea for how simple and heart-warming it is. Who would not love to receive this?!

All you need is an old jar (or even a Babycup!), tie a tag around it labelled for your mum or auntie, decorate it if you wish with sticker or paint and then fill it with little notes telling them why you love them! The notes can be picked out anytime she likes and your child can get a little help with writing from Dad
2. Fingerprint heart card
The fingerprint heart card is easy to create and the perfect momento for capturing how small your baby's little fingers are! Plus they will love getting involved dipping their finger in and out of the paint.

Start by cutting out a piece of card into a heart shape, add a picture of your baby or mum and baby together, and get some pots of paint for dipping little fingers in and out to decorate.
3. For green fingered gardeners
Sharing a love for the garden and growing herbs and vegetables is a great activity to do together. Why not encourage this hobby and time together outside with a personalised planter as a gift, together with some seeds or bulbs.

We like this one from
Another idea for those who love the outdoors is the gift of a flower bomb. Often the types of seeds included are for flowers rich in pollen and nectar to attract bees and butterflies. Sprinkle them on a dedicated 'Mum and baby' patch of ground in your garden, watch them grow and see which creatures pay you a visit.

These wild flower seeds would make a perfect gift.
4. The gift of relaxation
We're not talking about a lie-in, although that's a given right?! This gift of relaxation is a homemade bath bomb to help mum to unwind and de-stress. This is a little more involved and needs adults to help. It would be a lovely gift to hand out to all your mum friends who you rely on for support, any excuse for a relaxing bath.

You will need:
1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup citric acid
1/2 cup cornflour
1/2 cup fine sea salt Do not substitute with other salt. You can omit this from the recipe if you do not have fine sea salt.
2 1/2 tbsp coconut oil melted
2 tbsp water
- Food colouring
Bath bomb molds
The full instructions (including a few safety notes) can be found here.
We hope these ideas give you some inspiration this Mother's Day.
We wish all you lovely mums, grandmas, aunties, godmothers, stepmothers a wonderful Mother's Day. You're doing a fabulous job and you should be proud!

The Babycup Team x