Lynette Anear
“Babycup – This little cup is perfect for baby’s first tastes of water at weaning time.
It is just the right size for little hands and promotes drinking from a rim which is so important for oral development.
Babycup should be a normal part of the weaning process.”
Oral Health Promoter – NHS

Dr Grant McAree BSc (Hons) BDS
“As Babycup Sippeco First Cup is an open cup it reduces the chances of acid erosion to teeth. It’s also small so babies and young children can easily learn to sip from it. Healthy and useable – I love that! Babycup is recommended for every mealtime.”
The Whyte House Dental Group

Gill Rapley
“At last! A cup that allows babies to drink just like the rest of us do. From six months babies can sit up, hold things to their mouth, bite, chew – and yes, sip from a cup. Many parents are discovering the benefits of letting their little ones join in family mealtimes and feed themselves but they’ve been stuck for an easy way to offer them drinks with their food. A Babycup is the perfect answer.”
Co-author of Baby-led Weaning: Helping your child to love good food

Dr Derek Mahony BDS(Syd) MScOrth(Lon) DOrthRCS(Edin)
“Babycup is a healthy choice for your child. Choosing an open cup means you are allowing your child to develop a healthy sipping habit. Spouts and no-spill valves that mean a child has to suck, rather than sip, contribute to poor facial and dental development. I’ve treated thousands of children; developing healthy oral habits from an early age has a great influence on how your child’s teeth will develop. A young child’s teeth, jaw and muscles are still growing so it’s a crucial time and parents have the power to steer their infants away from needing extensive orthodontic treatment later in life.”
Orthodontist, Full Face Orthodontics Pty Ltd, Australia

Janey Lee Grace
“A baby cup without a mouth-contorting gimmicky spout. Drinking the ‘natural’ way for toddlers is back!”
Natural Living Expert

Penny Lazell
“At last, a cup designed with babies in mind rather than parents. ‘Training cups’ have been recommended for many years, but why do we need to train a baby to drink from something that goes against their natural development?….. Because parents have been marketed to with gadgets they don’t need and have been made to think it is easier, less messy and that their baby will drink more. If babies could speak earlier no doubt they would have asked for the “Babycup” years ago.
A simple baby size cup, that allows sipping at mealtimes rather than on the go. A cup that allows independence, and promotes healthy oral development as well as enhancing hand eye co ordination. The only cup your baby will need.”
Independent Health Visitor

British Dental Health Foundation
“In an article on toddler diets and oral health, the British Dental Health Foundation website says that drinks should be offered six to eight times a day, and, from as early an age as possible, should be sipped from a cup or glass, not sucked from a bottle. The same Foundation suggests starting by the time babies are about 6 months old, or when they are able to sit up and can hold things on their own.”