Best first foods for weaning

Best first foods for weaning

It is recommended to start weaning when your baby is six months old and when your little one starts showing signs that they are ready to start. When you first start out it is less important how much your baby eats than getting them used to the idea of eating. This can be so much fun!

We've collated some great ideas from mums and weaning experts about how to start out when weaning, whether you're following traditional puree weaning or baby-led weaning. Not forgetting how to introduce an open cup like Babycup.

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Baby's first pancake day

Baby's first pancake day

Pancake day, or Shrove Tuesday, takes place exactly 47 days before Easter and traditionally is meant to be a time to use up rich foods likes sugar ...

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Babycup Recipes: Autumn recipes for babies and toddlers

Now Autumn is upon us and the temperature has taken a nosedive into single figures, staying in and keeping warm is top of everyone’s things to do list. Cosy weekends spent at home call for your Babycup First Cupbeing repurposed for hot chocolates(!), lovely lunches and delicious dinners that warm the soul, as well as fill the tummy. Here are a few recipes to try, for all the family from...

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